
EFTF 2024 Registration

You have a maximum of 30 minutes to complete the registration process before the session/data is reset. Normally, you should need only about 3-5 minutes.

Please note that all ON-SITE options are now FULL. Only VIRTUAL OPTIONS are available.

A. Personal details and billing address

* indicates required fields    
* Salutation:


* Last name:
* First name:
* Job Title / Position:
* Institute / Company:
* Street & Number (or PO Box) :
* City:
* Postal Code:
* Country:
* Telephone:
* Email:
* Email:
Are you the presenting author of a poster or a talk?
If yes please enter the ePapers "Paper ID(s)" here:
    Paper ID 1
Note: a presenting author can only present
maximum 2 accepted abstracts
    Paper ID 2
Comments, special dietary needs:
(please note that we cannot accommodate every diet)

These questions help us with organising food quantities and staff. These options / activities are all included with a FULL registration. Note that times presently indicated may change slightly.

If you are attending virtually, please click "no" for all.    
* Will you eat lunch on-site?   Yes  
* Will you attend the Icebreaker Reception
on Monday, June 24? (18h00 - 19h30)
* Will you attend the reception
on Tuesday, June 25? (18h00 - 20h00)
* Will you attend the Gala Cocktail
on Wednesday, June 26? (19h00 - 22h00)
* Will you attend the Farewell Reception on
Thursday, June 27? (18h15 - 19h30)

B. Main Congress Entry


* Congress Entry

Choose 1 option.
Please note that this is only registration for the congress.

  FULL Participant: VIRTUAL
  FULL Student: IN-PERSON » CHF 300.- (FULL)
  FULL Student: VIRTUAL » CHF 250.-
  ** Please note that a 1-day entry does NOT include access to Gala Cocktail on Wednsday June 26.
Students only: please enter your student number that is on your Student ID card. You will be asked to email us a copy of the ID after completing registration.
  Student ID number:  

C. Tutorials Monday June 24 (optional)


* Tutorial Entry

Please choose an option, or decline.
Please note that the In-person option
is no longer available
  I decline this option CHF 0.-
  Lunch and coffee breaks are included with in-person Tutorial fee.

D. Accompanying Person (optional)

* All social events and meals only
Please choose an option, or decline.
I decline this option » CHF 0.-
Please enter full name of guest who will attend.

E. Payment Method

If balance is CHF 0.- please choose Credit card – Visa or Mastercard only (no processing fee)
"invoice" option -> no fee will be added. Invoice (+ CHF 30.- processing fee) Option no longer available
Click button to proceed   >>