Fundamentals of wireless positioning and navigation techniques

Objectifs du cours

Public cible

The course addresses anyone involved in wireless positioning and localization, from the manager who wants to learn the basics, to the technician, research student, or engineer who wants to learn the more advanced concepts, including the users, providers, and manufacturers of wireless connected systems and IoT.



Dr Cyril Botteron, Lecturer at EPFL and GNSS Products Line Manager at Syderal SA, received his Electronics and Electrotechnics Engineering degree in 1991 (EICN ETS, Switzerland) and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003 (University of Calgary, Canada). In 2003, he was appointed as Maitre Assistant at Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, lecturing as well as creating and developing two research groups with activities related to Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology. In 2009, he joined Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, developing new teaching activities as well as leading, managing, and coaching the research and project activities of the Positioning, Navigation, Timing, Sensing and Communications sub-group totaling 8-12 full-time researchers. From 2003 to 2013, he also worked as external independent expert for the EU Galileo project. Cyril is the author or co-author of 5 patents and over 130 publications in major journals and conferences, and is a senior member of the IEEE since 2006 and a ION professional member since 2003.

Date et Lieu ( Ce cours n'est pas agendé en ce moment. Veuillez nous contacter en cas d'intérêt
Coût (EARLY BIRD) CHF 690.00
Coût CHF 890.00
Langue English
Inscription Deux semaines avant le cours
Organisation FSRM, Fondation suisse pour la recherche en microtechnique
Informations et inscription Gilles Delachaux, FSRM, e-mail: