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Laser Micromachining - NEW

This course will offer an introduction to laser micro-manufacturing, including laser-cutting and ablation processes, additive/transformative manufacturing and laser-material treatments.

Objectifs du cours

This course is organised in collaboration with the EMPA Academy. The usual FSRM discounts do not apply to this course.

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Over the last decades, and thanks to recent progress in short-pulse lasers, laser processes are becoming ubiquitous in micro-scale manufacturing. The course objective will be to give an introduction to the use of lasers in various fields of micro-manufacturing, including cutting, ablation and additive/transformative processes. At the end of the course, participants will have 1/ learned what micromanufacturing operations can be done with lasers, 2/ acquired the knowledge to select an appropriate laser for their applications, and 3/ developed a basic knowledge for implementing a laser micro-manufacturing process.

Public cible

This course is targetet to

- Companies interested in implemented laser processes, R&D services, technology monitoring.

- Executives involved in technological developments and implementation, manufacturing and production engineers, R&D staff.

Engineer level is required. Some background in manufacturing, optics, engineering physics or materials science is a plus, but not mandatory.


1. Introduction: overview of today’s applications of lasers in the field of micro-manufacturing

2. Key theoretical notions related to laser-matter introduction (from the viewpoint of engineering)

3. The various types of laser-matter interaction modalities (continuous, pulsed, short/long wavelength, etc.)

4. Technological implementation of laser processes

5. Emerging applications

6. Wrap-up & summary

Prochaine session

Date 28.10.2025
Horaire 09:00 - 17:00
Lieu EMPA Akademie, DĂĽbendorf

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1 day


Prix early bird : 690.00
Prix normal : 690.00

Langue du cours


teacher 1

Yves Bellouard