
Laser Micromachining

This course is primarily aimed at introducing the basic concepts of laser micromachining and allowing participants to appreciate the practical elements involved in undertaking laser micromachining tasks. The course includes numerous videos and examples of high precision laser micromachining.

Objectifs du cours

This course is primarily aimed at introducing the basic concepts of laser micromachining and allowing participants to appreciate the practical elements involved in undertaking laser micromachining tasks. It is suitable for those with a basic interest in microsystems, MEMS and general micro-manufacturing and does not require a deep knowledge of mathematics or physics. The course includes numerous videos and examples of high precision laser micromachining.

Public cible

The course is aimed at engineers, technical managers and those interested in gaining a wider understanding of laser micromachining systems, techniques and applications.


  • Introduction to lasers & optics
  • Current status of laser micromachining
  • Basics of laser ablation
  • Types of lasers used in micromachining
  • Laser micromachining systems
  • Optics for laser micromachining systems
  • Laser micromachining techniques
  • Industrial applications of laser micromachining
  • Emerging developments


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1 day


Prix early bird : 690.00
Prix normal : 890.00

Langue du cours


teacher 1

Nadeem Rizvi