150 different course themes

The FSRM offers courses in French, German and English in the following domains:

– Management

– Product Development / Innovation

– Standards / Quality / Environment

– Fabrication and Microfabrication Processes

– Micro and Nanotechnologies (MST, MEMS)

– Measurements / Sensors and Actuators

– Medical Devices

– Materials

– Production

International Course Programme

More than 30 courses are dedicated to micro and nanotech. These state-of-the-art courses comprise the programme « Training in Microtech and Nanotech » and are given throughout Europe. The FSRM is an international leader for this field in continuing education. Our course calendar is here.

Online courses

Highly qualified instructors

Some 200 specialists, over a third of whom come from abroad, assure the high level of quality of FSRM courses. Our instructors, coming from industry, academia and research, provide a diversity which ensures a critical balance between theory and practice. Their up-to-date industrial experience is very much appreciated in the classroom and their knowledge is directly applicable in the field in a real-word setting.

Customised courses for companies

Over the years, over 15’000 engineers and technicians, of which 80% come from industry, have upgraded their skills at the FSRM. Companies particularly appreciate our practical approach and the limited duration of the courses (1 or 2 days).

Many courses can also be given off-site in a private setting and even created and/or modified to fit the needs of your company. Contact us for an offer without any commitment.

Experts in Continuing Education

The expertise of the FSRM in education allows us to contribute as a partner in several European projects. For example, we organise week-long workshops, education seminars and lead workpackages on dissemination and communication. Have a look at our expertise.

Target Group

FSRM technical courses are aimed at engineers and technicians.
FSRM management courses are aimed at all professionals interested by the theme of the course.
More information can be found on the detailed description for each course.